Friday, 20 January 2017

Portrait Photography - Ten Outdoor Portrait Photography Tips

Photography of weddings have surpassed all other subjects of photography as far as ingenuity and style are concerned. Computerized images and software create wedding albums that are unique, colorful and a joy to behold any time, with photographs taken by professionals in family photography. There has been a perceptible shift from the stiff studio type images to the more candid, softer and natural photos that capture the essence of the relationship and the beautiful moments of the wedding day.

Family photography in Singapore is the umbrella under which wedding and pre wedding photography packages are provided. Pre wedding, actual day, destination weddings, casual and styled shoots are some of the areas of work. No wedding is complete without the presence of a wedding photographer Singapore.
Pre wedding photography has also become an important part of the package with the main purpose being to get comfortable before the camera and get to know the photographer.

How to get a good actual day photographer in Singapore:

One can find the top 100 wedding day photographers online in Singapore. When you have narrowed down the choice based on the online galleries, it is good to have a set of questions ready for them:
With regard to prewedding photography, it is good to have some answers to these from the photographer:

- Locations for pre wedding photography
- Extra charges for a night shoot
- To what extent will the photos be photo shopped and edited.
- Will all the photos taken be handed over?
- Will transport be provided for an outdoor shoot
With regard to the wedding day photography, here are some tips for outdoor portraits:
- Pick on only one focus point, rather than on many
- Focus on the eyes
- For that smooth blur in the background, shoot wide apertures
- Let your focal length be not less than 70 mm
- Shoot in the shade
- Don’t keep the sun directly behind or in front of your subject
- Use a reflector
- Keep out the power lines and hoardings from the picture
- Use a gray card
- Don’t forget to carry a bottle of water!


Most Photographers take a minimum of 500 to 1000 stock pictures. Their price lists and terms and conditions are spelt out clearly. The photographer and his assistant have their transportation paid for till the venue. They charge as a package. Some agencies have makeup artistes as part of their team.

No wedding is complete without the delivery of top class photos, as well as video montages. They make a great keepsake forever as well as a conversation piece as a coffee table book.

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